About Support Ukrainians Online Store
"Support.Ukrainians.lu" is a project created by LUkraine asbl. For this project, we’ve partnered with several artists, mainly from Ukraine, to promote peace for Ukraine, and to raise money for Ukrainians in need.
Even though donating directly is much better, we noticed that asking individuals to donate is not always effective. Some people are more likely to purchase cookies in the local store that pledges 30% to Ukrainian aid, rather than transfer money directly to LUkraine asbl. Sometimes people need physical representation of the support they have provided, which in turn also helps spread awareness of the cause.
There are many ways to donate money. Purchasing goods is one of them.
100% of profits from all sales will go to our charitable orgranization LUkraine asbl, that helps Ukraine.
How we calculate profit: retail price -(minus) costs(production, shipping, billing processor fees) = profit that goes to help Ukrainians.

About LUkraine asbl
LUkraine asbl is an ukrainian non-profit association located in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
- Our association was founded in 2014, during the Revolution of Dignity, in order to bring together the Ukrainian community in Luxembourg and facilitate the organisation of various social and humanitarian actions for the benefit of the people of Ukraine
- LUkraine ASBL is a completely apolitical organisation. Our members work on an unpaid and voluntary basis. The vast majority are professionally employed, but devote much of their free time to work with the organisation

- Since the 24 of February of this year, our people have been locked in a deadly struggle for survival – Kremlin has stated that one of their goals is to effectively eradicate the national identity that has been mentioned previously
- As of now, our priorities have shifted and we are focusing entirely on helping the thousands of wounded, and millions of refugees which can be blamed solely on the Russian invasion.

In more specific terms, our goals are as follows:
- To do everything possible in order to accommodate Ukrainian refugees within the Grand Duchy, in close cooperation with all of the implied governmental structures. We promote integral development of temporary displaced Ukrainians in Luxembourg via self-organised events and throughout close collaboration with local non-profits and governmental institutions.
- To raise awareness of our goals and call for help. The Ukrainian people want an end to the war, so that they can rebuild their country following the best practices of the EU and become a fully fledged European partner. But first we need your help.